Mrs. Konrad’s Promotion

Mrs. Konrad alongside fellow assistant principals and AHS Principal, during Back to School Night.

Evelyn Alonso, Writer

 Alison Konrad has been working at Anaheim High School for the past 6 years. She will now be continuing her career journey in our District Office. She will be an administrator on Special Assignment in the Education Division at AUHSD. This means she will work closely with district directors to help with project management. 

Specific examples of how she will be assisting district directors are: helping schools with capstone implementation, integrating career pathways, and assisting with materials in place to visiting school districts to demonstrate all the resources at AUHSD.

Mrs. Alison Konrad

When reflecting upon her new position, Mrs. Konrad is excited about, “the ability to help …continue improving efficient systems so school leaders can focus on helping students; I am also excited to help manage projects to allow district staff to focus on… leading the way for students to have choice and voice in their education and providing meaningful and equitable learning opportunities.”

Mrs. Konrad started her career journey as a high school teacher in the East Coast, and quickly moved up to become Teacher-on-Special-Assignment (TOSA). In 2006, she accepted an AP position at Lexington Junior High, then moved to various schools across the district from 2006-2015. After that, she moved to the district level for two years (2015-2017) as the Program Administrator of Attendance to build systems for a district wide Saturday Academy program. Lastly, she worked at Anaheim High School in 2017.

Here at Anaheim, according to Principal Calleros, “she is a really talented and knowledgeable person who is really dedicated to her work in a relentless, positive way, to help her colleagues and students with relentless spirit”. He commented on her knowledge on work policy, school procedures and many other school-related topics.  


A message for students from Mrs. Konrad:

[To class of 2023] – My heart has been with you since you came here to visit for ‘Landing at the Colony’ back in 2019. I have been proud to serve as one of your administrators during your four years here at Anaheim High School. You are heading in all different directions after you graduate in May, and whether it’s college or career, I want you to remember YOU MATTER. You matter to me, you matter to AHS, and you matter to the world. Be kind, and care for one another and your community. It’s not ‘goodbye’ because I WILL be at your graduation…it’s ‘see you around,’ my lovelies! Now, go be amazing! 

TO ALL STUDENTS: get to classes on time every day, do your assignments, and get involved in positive activities here at AHS—attend events and make your story a good one.”