History and Future of Computer Science

Saidi Trujillo Gonzalez, Author

The history of Computer Science goes way back to the 1800s. In 1822 the world’s first computer ever was built. In 1936 the Turning Machine was built. Inspiring the general concept of what we know to call modern computers. In 1946 the first commercial computer for businesses and government purposes was released to the public. During the 1950s and 1960s, Computer Science was formally introduced to academies as a study course. As the years passed by, so much more happened. Rapid technical advances took place and developed to what we now know as modern technology.

Many people agree that Alan Mathison Turing is the rightful founder of Computer Science. He was the one to form algorithms using his successful invention called the Turning machine during the 1930s. An algorithm is a fundamental word used in the world of Computer Science. It is a set of exact rules a software follows to calculate or solve operations.

Nowadays, we have Microsoft, Chromebook, Google, all types of laptops, computers, and electronic devices for almost everything. Schools have Computer Science classes students can take to learn more about computing. 

Computer Science education isn’t promoted enough, and students usually don’t find any interest in it. Diana Calderon, a student currently enrolled in a Computer Science class, states, ¨I think it’s fun to learn but a little stressful to really get into it.¨

For that reason, students are now advised to enroll in a Computer Science class now more than ever. With the way things are moving in our current world, it seems technology is the future. So the world needs more minds working to improve and help the future through technological advances.

Mrs. Reall, a former Computer Science teacher working at Anaheim High School, says, ¨We need more people to study computing science to keep up with demand. Computer Science and technology are in every aspect of our lives, ranging from smartphones, smart cars, and now Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. ¨ Mrs. Reall also commented,  ¨Computer Science will definitely affect the future. As we have seen firsthand going to school virtually, we rely so much on technology. Different kinds of devices, software, infrastructures, and so much more.¨