The Working Life Of a Teenager


Victoria Mejia, reporter

Everyone knows that once you turn 16 or 17, everything changes because you can now officially start working; there are many reasons for working, such as to help with bills or simply for your own expenses.

In many cases, teens start working to help their parents with bills and buying things needed. Many teens struggle with the fact that even after a hard day at work, dealing with difficult people, they still have to come home for multiple hours a day and attend class, later receiving multiple hours of homework. This begins to weigh on them physically and mentally.

Once it becomes legal for a teen to work, everything changes suddenly, when working is not an option, leaving them in charge of many things. For example, many are in charge of school activities, work, homework, waking up on time for classes, and dealing with rude customers or managers.  It becomes a difficult transition to adulthood.

I interviewed Lorena Murrillo and Jorge Rodriguez, both 12th graders, and they seemed to share similar responses. A question that was asked during the interview was if working and having school at the same time was difficult, and they both responded that it is difficult at times. Still, they try to stay on top of assignments and tests instead of falling behind with their school work.

Another question asked both seniors as if they had a specific class that made it hard to stay ahead with classwork. Lorena Murrillo, a 12th grader, responded, “My AP Government class doesn’t give lots of homework, but the homework takes multiple hours to complete.”

Jorge Rodriguez answered, “ My government class does come with lots of homework, but it isn’t impossible to complete, just at times, it’s too much even to remember.”

One of the last questions asked was if you could give a piece of advice to someone who is thinking about working this year or next, what would it be. Lorena Murillo, a 12th grader, responded, “If I could give someone a piece of advice, it would be to make school your priority because you can always get hours added to your schedule. School should always come first and manage your time wisely.” Jorge Rodriguez responded with something similar, “If you work too much, you will have a hard time managing everything, and you’ll fall behind, and school always comes first.”

With this being said, a piece of advice I’d give to those who wish to start working is to prioritize school first, even if you think it’s not that important. It really is. You should always know what options you have if you ever need help with school work. Also, a great piece of advice that was given to me was, don’t let work consume you, there will always be work, but in high school or getting your diploma, there aren’t many chances for that.”