Would you like to have kids in the future?

Fernando Romero

Nowadays the decision to have a family is getting more difficult for everyone, the uncertainty of the future is getting worse by the difficult moments taking place across the world. The fire that consumes Australia every day and also consumes the life expectancy of people., the United States- Iran conflict has caused the tension to rise and the hope of life to go down. This is affecting our thoughts on deciding to have a family or not.

I decided to survey our Anaheim HS students to know if they want to have kids or not and why? According to the survey 77.2% of students who took this survey want to have kids and 22.8% of students don’t want to have kids:

A student surveyed stated, “I would like to have kids despite my thoughts on climate, I know that it can be dangerous for the future children because they would have to find some sort of way to solve climate change.”And more students stated that they want kids but at the same time the damage that we made to the world through climate change does make them think twice about it. As one student put ̈If what scientists say is true about our world in the future, I wouldn’t want them to suffer and experience that.¨

In conclusion, we have to make a difference in our world and give a better life for the next generations. Making good decisions and don’t let the bad ruin the world, and our future families too.