Climate Change, Our new normal

October 4, 2019
The Earth’s climate is significantly changing but some refuse to believe it. Climate change is being treated as a belief rather than a fact. This has led young people to have multiple concerns with the course our nation has taken in addressing it. Therefore, Anaheim Exclusivo has taken it upon themselves to add a NEW category dedicated to the urgency of climate change and global warming.
Our staff plans to educate our students on the impact of global warming and encourage change throughout the community. However, for those who don’t know the basics of climate change, here is an outline!
Climate change is the change in our climate patterns because of the increased levels of carbon dioxide. While some individuals believe that it’s just another phase in our environment and will pass along soon, evidence has pointed out otherwise. Human activity is the main cause of the change in climate because of the billions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases released into our atmosphere every year.
More in-depth articles regarding climate change and its connection to our health, economy, and movements will be released however, we will also be posting articles on everyday steps that can be taken to help reduce the negative impact we are leaving on our world.
“Overview of Climate Change Science.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 29 Sept. 2016,
Alberto Ramirez • Nov 8, 2019 at 2:27 pm
Sí, el cambio climático es un gran problema en nuestra vida cotidiana, pero la gente todavía no ve los efectos que traerá. Este artículo fue muy detallado y tenía mucha información
Alfredo Munoz • Nov 8, 2019 at 1:24 pm
Fue interesante saber que algunos se niegan a creer que el cambio climático es real. Creo que lo saben pero fingen no saber por el dinero.
Jose Estrada • Nov 8, 2019 at 8:25 am
This article was well written and informs the reader about how harsh climate change. It’s good to see you guys showing interest in this severe problem in our world.
Cidney Franco • Nov 7, 2019 at 2:26 pm
I think it’s great that you guys at Anaheim Exclusivo are creating a separate category! I hate to see that some people don’t understand what’s going on with our climate because they don’t have the resources to do so. Great Job!!
adrian sandoval • Nov 7, 2019 at 2:16 pm
I think the climate change is a very horrible decision for our planet and it should be something done about it. For me i worry because people are not putting in effort to change this decsion and this might affect me in the future
Alicia Moreno • Nov 7, 2019 at 2:08 pm
Climate change is an actual problem, a very serious problem and people aren’t taking into account that at the end of the day we will be facing the consequences. This article is very informative and I like how you stated everything with fact.
Jason Martinez • Nov 7, 2019 at 2:06 pm
I like how this article mentions that people don’t believe that climate change is not real, but it really is and should be noticed. I also believe that schools should teach us about climate change as it will affect us young ones in the future.
Jesus Silva • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:57 pm
Climate change is a really big issue because its bad for our world in so many ways. It is affecting our air, our water, our plants, and many other things. so all of these effects like bad air and water can make us sick and possibly die!
Sarah Villafuerte • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:54 pm
I think spreading the word about this problem is a great thing to do especially so we can make a difference even in the slightest now. We can stop by doing little things and hope it becomes bigger.
Jose • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:53 pm
This is very well written and I also think that climate is changing and people are refusing to see reality. This article is very informative and it also gave me some information that I didn’t know before.
Karina Banuelos • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:28 pm
This article was well written and is true about what is happening in the world right now. People are ignoring the fact that climate change is happening, and we are the only ones that can stop it.
Christopher Escobar • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:13 pm
the climate change is a big problem to us,because this is affecting to all the world,your notice is very important,because many people don´t believe these problems.
Desiree Jimenez • Oct 23, 2019 at 2:25 pm
I really like how you emphasized whats happening in our world right now. I think it is very important for people to be informed and you did a good job with explaining , nice work.
Jesus Guzman • Oct 23, 2019 at 2:16 pm
I agree with this article. Many people still do not believe that climate change is real, which is somewhat absurd, seeing how some of those effects have taken place. We should try and inform other people who are not familiar with this problem, and who simply not believe it.
Alex Sepulveda • Oct 23, 2019 at 2:08 pm
This article was well written, and its a good way to speak out to the public about things like this that need change
Valeria Roman • Oct 4, 2019 at 9:49 am
In my opinion, climate change is very bad and causing so much destruction on our planet. Not only is causing destruction on our planet but it’s also bad for our health. Carbon dioxide is the reason why all of these changes are happening the high levels of carbon dioxide are the problem. If this keeps on happening who knows what’s gonna happen in the future. We are the biggest cause of climate change due to our greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.