Thank You Mr. Hernandez, S.


Karime Mendoza, Guest Contributor

Dear Mr. Hernandez,

Thank you for deciding (or agreeing) to be a part of ASB along with Mr.Wager, being our senior advisor, and helping other students around the school. I know it is a lot of work and stress, but you seem to have it under control or you’re good at making it look easy. You probably still miss being class roomies with Mr.Wager, but hopefully, your new roomie is nice. Many students can’t talk or joke with teachers the way that they can with you. I think that it is something that students really appreciate about you. It makes them have a better experience here, knowing that there is an adult at school that they can feel comfortable around. Seniors are really lucky to have you as an advisor because of how understanding and calm you are. You keep us from freaking out about any problems we have. If we do freak out, it cancels out because that’s how calm you are. No offense to some adults… BUT I feel like some forget how it felt to be our age in high school, and you seem to understand everything that people go through and have the best advice for all of it. I really admire the fact that you help students that need any extra support or guidance. I hope you know that tons of students at school, including myself, appreciate you and everything you do at school. Don’t drink tea!



Karime Mendoza