AE News Never Biased


Natalie Olivares, Editor in Chief

At Anaheim Exclusivo, our team is dedicated to bringing our community the news about the events that take place around them. This includes stories on local and national politics.

We dedicate ourselves to the truth and strive to deliver unbiased news, covering the candidates that we can in order to help the community make informed and confident decisions.

That being said, not all candidates give us the opportunity to interview and write a story about them. Recently, our team interviewed Lorri Galloway and Ashleigh Aitkens, two mayoral candidates who gave us their time, allowing us to cover stories about their campaigns. Our team also reached out to another candidate, who after several attempts, did not respond. We were not able to write their campaign story.

Being a high school newspaper, we cover what we get access to. Unfortunately, because we are new, because we are a high school newspaper, and because we have yet to establish a name for ourselves in the community, we are not always taken seriously. This limits the stories we write.

Anaheim Exclusivo is in no way biased toward any candidate, and will never ask its readers to vote for any one candidate or policy. We simply cover the stories we get the chance to tell and do our best to inform our community. Our goal is to make sure the community is never in the dark about issues that affect them. We will remain unbiased and truthful in all of our articles.