Arriving at A-Town

The Class of 2027 head back to school after performances and a tour.

Esmeralda Lopez

On Thursday, January 26, Anaheim High School welcomed Sycamore Junior High and South Junior High current 8th graders. They will be incoming freshmen in the fall. We had current high school students from all grade levels provide them a tour of the school in which they visited areas like the art quad, main buildings, and overall made sure to provide them with the opportunity to learn more about the campus and what Anaheim High School has to offer.

Dance Production performing for Sycamore and South Junior High visiting 8th graders.

Each tour guide had the opportunity to partner up and guide a group of 10 students. Some groups provided the tour first, while other groups were guided to the gym. In the gym, they were welcomed by Mr. Calleros, the principal of Anaheim High School. Ms. Ramirez, their future counselor, had the opportunity to introduce herself as well.

There were many visual and performing arts (VAPA) such as dance production, JROTC, drama, band, choir and cheer. All the hard work, time, and dedication from the VAPA department really helped make the Class of 2027 feel welcomed. Outside the gym, there were also various tables set up for clubs as well as programs that are offered at Anaheim High School.

AE News had the opportunity to talk with 4 current 8th graders at Sycamore Junior High School. Stephanie Peña mentioned that having the opportunity to be at Anaheim High School felt good but also added “it’s a big school.” Overall, Stephanie thought that the field trip was pretty cool as well as the people and mentioned she liked all of it. 

Mia Rodríguez mentions that what caught her attention the most was the AVID program and how she is looking forward to it. When asked, are you excited to become a freshman next year, if so why, she said  “Yes, kinda, because I’m scared of getting lost.” 

Another student we had the opportunity to talk to was Kevin Delgado. He mentioned that what most caught his attention was the jazz band because he’s currently in a band. He mentions he is planning on also joining football.

Jazz band and our chamber singers performed for the 8th graders.

Last but not least, we had the opportunity to talk to Jackson Sierra. When asked what he enjoyed the most about the tour, he said, “signing up for all the sports and having the opportunity to do 25 push-ups for wrestling and winning some free stuff.” His overall thoughts about the school were that it was fun, and he would recommend the school to his friends.


Arrival at A-Town was a success and Anaheim High School was happy to welcome the Class of 2027, and is eager for their arrival in the fall.