Sadie’s Dance 2023
January 30, 2023
Sadie’s or Sadie Hawkins is usually an informal dance or party that is held at a high school, middle school, or College. The Sadie Hawkins Dance originates from Sadie Hawkins Day, when unmarried ladies could pursue their men. This dance requires a girl to escort the boy of her choice to the dance. This year, Anaheim High School held its very own Sadie Hawkin’s Dance. The dance was held in the gymnasium on Friday, January 20, 2023. Junior ASB President, Nicole Arrazola, was part of the planning process.

Nicole Arrazola stated that “It was a stressful but fun process because many decisions were made and moved around, but overall was fun being part of the design process and hearing the student’s opinions.” Arrazola believes that ASB could’ve done a better job and that there can always be ways to improve on these events. Arrazola said, “We could’ve worked more on advertising and spreading the word as the dance neared. I would probably change the spirit and hype leading up to the dance to show more excitement about the dance. I would also consider different outlets for decorations and focus more on food options!”.
As the dance was organized by a group of students in under 2–3 months, Arrazola has confidence in saying, “We had an amazing execution and definitely took into consideration from our entire student body!”
While Arrazola feels that “A lot of people did attend and the turn-out went well…”, sophomore Itzel Córdova would disagree. Córdova stated, “There weren’t a lot of people.” Apart from the amount of people who attended, Córdova also believed that it was less than she expected. Cordova said, “There was also a DJ and a bubble machine that was used while taking pictures.” While Sadie’s slowly came to an end, it was a great opportunity for female students to ask the male students of their choice to dance and have some fun. This dance created many memories and chances within the student body.