Graduation Student Forum
Student Forum Presentation
January 27, 2023
This academic school year, the district decided to implement a few changes for Anaheim Union High School District’s high schools. Due to problems regarding affordability, calibration, and district regulations for the graduation regalia not being met, a task force was created to address these issues.
A common misconception regarding graduation is that there has already been a decision made on having medallions instead of sashes, this, however, is not true. According to Amanda Bean, no decisions have been finalized, but a decision will be made to address the issues regarding affordability and equity across all the high schools.
This task force included all stakeholders in the decision-making process, and was led primarily by Amanda Bean, Director of CPSF, and Amy Kwon, Director of Innovative Programs and Instructional Systems. These meetings were held on a monthly basis with student ambassadors, assistant principals, and activities directors from every high school in the district.

Because of continuous support from the student ambassadors, on December 6th, there was a district wide student forum for students to attend and suggest ideas that could resolve the issues addressed in graduation. Students from multiple AUHSD schools came together to learn about the district’s proposal in more detail, have vulnerable conversations with other students, and brainstorm ideas that best satisfy the students’ preferences and reflect the graduation experiences they wish to have. The presentation given can be found here.
Jana Saadeh, Savanna High School’s student ambassador, believes that, “In terms of timeliness, I definitely think that a change this heavy and emotional should have been rolled out gradually…many have expressed dissatisfaction in having to endure a change”. She continued by saying, “Considering how important this topic is… there should have been more time for students to learn about the proposal…”.

Mario Valdespino, an Anaheim High School student who attended the forum, expressed that, “A main thing I took away from this experience is being open on both sides. From what students want, to the affordability, to the different requirements there are in schools for the same clubs. Being open-minded during the meeting really helped hear where the District was coming from and what the students wanted.”
Jana had a similar sentiment, “This student forum truly considered student voices, and was the step that ushered in possibilities that ensured satisfaction across the district… When you see a room full of students that come from schools of different climates and standards, interact and develop solutions together, it truly makes the results representative of all AUHSD students.”