Anything But a Backpack Day
December 14, 2022

From Monday, November 28, 2022, through Friday, December 2nd, 2022 Anaheim High School had a Unity Week Spirit week. The spirit week had many opportunities and where students could participate and show school spirit. The week included days like “comfy with our peers” on Monday by wearing pajamas to school, “inside we’re all the same” on Tuesday to dress as a celebrity, “united in our future” on Wednesday to dress as your future self, and Anaheim Unites on Thursday to wear orange or AHS gear. Finally, on Friday, December 2nd, it was “anything but a backpack day”. Many students got creative and brought items with wheels or items with handles. Some of the students who participated in the Spirit Day were Enrrique Mendez with a basket, Patrick Medrano with a stroller, and Eduardo Silva with a grill.

Enrrique Mendez stated that he chose the basket as his backpack because “it was easy to carry and not much of a hassle to have around as it didn’t have wheels like others. It was also easy to carry upstairs if needed.” Another student, Patrick Medrano said, “I chose a stroller because it was a fun item to bring and was easy to roll around.” Some of the students even went to the extreme and brought a younger member of their family as a backpack. It is always really fun when students participate in the spirit weeks at our school.