What is happening at Sycamore Junior High School?
How the entrance of the school will look like.
March 9, 2021
For the past few months, Sycamore Junior High School has been under renovation, trying to fix up necessities that they needed for couple of years now. Anaheim Exclusivo had the opportunity to interview Mr. Brown, the Principal at Sycamore, and Patricia Neely from the Anaheim Union High School District. You would be shocked at what they had to say about this renovation.
Mr. Brown indicated that “Sycamore is finally under construction!” He says that the district office heads this project through one of the employees Ms. Patty Neely from the AUHSD school district.

This project is working with a construction company called Miller. The updates of the school include “all new plumbing, sewer lines, and electrical underground.” There is over $3 million of utility work put into this project. This project is a three-year plan, and Sycamore is finally on year three, in which they are finally breaking ground.
“There is going to be fencing put up so the school can also be a closed campus,” said Mr. Brown. There will be a whole new lunch area with new lunch tables for the students and staff. He says that “Sycamore Buccaneers are Proud, and we are proud of all the programs, and we will have a facility to be proud of also.” “The community of Anaheim deserves a school that looks nice as well.” This project is done in three phases; the first phase is being done out front. Phase two and

three will usually be done in the summer or started in the summer. He indicated that since students are not going on campus to learn, this has given the construction the ability to go ahead and start renovating on and off-campus.
Each school has its own renovation plan. Dale Junior High is in their last phase, so they are almost done with most of the renovation they needed. Ball Junior High and Sycamore Junior High both started simultaneously, which is getting almost the same reconstruction, but Sycamore is getting a little more. There will also be a new stage area, “Buccy Cove!” coming in for all students at Sycamore Junior High.
Ms. Neely indicated that Sycamore has a construction project that started probably three or four months ago. She indicated that it is a “Modernization Project funded with Measure H dollars.” Most of the

work is on-site, but it is mostly exterior work. This project started in the district in the facilities planning design and construction department. This project went through a set of planning with an architect and then obtained a construction manager, usually taken by a worker within the AUHSD school district. Still, for this project, they are using a Construction Management Firm. Ms. Neely indicated that this project is necessary because “it is always good to keep our facilities up to date; our schools are getting up in age and Sycamore is at least 50 or more years old, and it is time to start renovating.”

Most of the modernization is happening within the administration building. Most of the modernization includes demolishing sealed concrete, pouring new concrete walkways, bringing in shade structures “shelters,” creating a band stage, replacing underground utilities, and landscaping to beautify the school. They are also including security fencing all the way around and are bringing in a new digital marquee. The contract’s value is $12.5 million, which is coming from Measure H in bond dollars. Ms. Neely also indicated that “this is not only a beautification for the school, but it is introducing security measures; we are also improving the parking lot in preparation for solar panels, and a community center.” There will be a renovated area with shade for the students and staff not only for lunchtime but also to bring the classroom outdoors. There will also be an area that will be dedicated to the community!
This project is set for 15 months indicating that by the end of this year, 2021, Sycamore will be completed with all renovations. Ms. Neely also indicated that if the students were to come back to school for this school year, “we will accommodate when the students come back, we will be mindful of the open tranches and safety of the students.” “There is more to do; this project will not take care of all the needs that Sycamore has, but it is a step in the right direction, and it is going to be pretty substantial.” “We have more plans for that school, but it will take additional funding.” When completed with Phase one, Sycamore will then be going into Phase two, making a better future for staff, students, and Anaheim’s community.
Harmen van Ekert • Jul 19, 2021 at 2:35 pm
Measure H money ????????
How does that apply here?
That was an L.A. county approved measure, nothing to do with Orange county.
So Who is paying for this boondoggle again?
No city building permits issued for this….
No notification given to the neighborhood, no chance for anyone to comment or discuss local impact.
Who is running this totally unaccountable show???
Who is auditing this expenditure?