Hot Weather: The Effects on Our Community
This image was taken of the pool in Pearson Park.
September 16, 2020
Escaping this hot weather seems to be a difficult task for many, especially during this pandemic. Although turning on the AC may be a common instinct for many, many homes do not have the luxury of doing so. Whether it be the increasing amount of money that must be paid for the electric bill or simply not owning an ac unit, many reasons make it difficult for one to stay at home with these hot temperatures.

After conducting a few interviews, here are a few stories that people from our community have shared about their experiences. Student Eros Pineda from Anaheim High School shares his experience with distance learning during this heat. “I am very sensitive to temperature, so I get hotter or colder than most people. This being the case, if it’s too hot I begin to experience headaches, body aches, and doing homework with a headache isn’t exactly very fun”.
Furthermore, this is also the case for people like Noely Padilla who work from home, “It’s affected my work in that I find it difficult to concentrate; it has also affected my health in that the high humidity levels have made it harder for me to breathe combined with the heat, I have been lethargic lately.” She explains how COVID19 has made the situation even worse, “Since I have to stay at home there no longer is any escape. One thing that I would do is that I would go to my local mall and I would read quietly in the lobby, enjoy a nice cold drink and just sit there in the AC, charge my phone. I don’t have that escape now, so I’m pretty much just living 24/7 in heat and humidity. I have an old house so our AC doesn’t work super well and very high ceilings so my fan doesn’t exactly reach.”
Antonio Padilla who works as a handyman shares his experience, “It’s more suffocating and difficult to work when I do electrical work because the heat between the ceiling and the roof is a lot hotter than a normal day and working outside is also very suffocating. Things have changed a lot, in past years it wasn’t as hot as it is now, today it almost reached 110°, and with a lot of humidity you can feel the heat a lot more.”
This image was taken of the pool in Pearson Park. (Emily Padilla)The following are a few simple tips to keep cool at home. Turn off any light that you are not using since these lights generate extra heat, especially incandescent light bulbs. If the temperature is hotter outside than it is inside, keep doors and windows closed to keep the cold air in. Take a cool shower to freshen up. If AC is available, turn it to the highest temperature you can comfortably (70°-78°), to reduce electrical bills, and avoid overworking your AC. Open windows in the morning when it is cooler outside to let the cold air in and close them once it begins to get warmer. Wear loose, light clothing and most importantly remember to drink plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated.
For those who like to cool down at the pool, there is good news. According to the CDC website, it is safe to partake in activities such as going to the pool or beach so long as one continues to follow the social distancing norms. Currently, no research shows that COVID-19 may be able to spread through water; however, it is still possible to contract it through respiratory droplets from an infected person. This means that one should maintain their distance even in the water, and avoid attending the pool or beach if it is too crowded. One should also abide by any rules or regulations that are set in place by the establishment.