Is 2 Weeks Off Too Short or Too Long?

Jonathan Zendejas, Reporter

Ahhhhh, Winter Break! One of the best vacations that the majority of people get to experience. Especially, all the students from public or private schools. Winter break is the one long-awaited vacations after a rough finals week for the majority of students. It’s a time when these students can relax, sleep, and spend time with their families. 

But recently, many people have come to believe that maybe the two weeks of winter break is not the right amount of time. Many people speculate that the break was either too short or  it was too long. So, we set out to conduct a survey by asking 150 students whether they believe that the two weeks of winter break they were given was the proper amount of time off or whether some sort of change is needed. 

When conducting our survey we asked the students three questions. The first question we asked them was a yes or no question “Do you believe that two weeks of winter break was the proper amount of time off?” If the students answered yes then they had finished the survey. But if they had answered no, students had to say whether they believe that the break was either too long or too short and also provide reasoning behind their response. 

After surveying 150 students at Anaheim High School we found that the majority, 58.7% (88 out of 150 students) believed that two weeks of winter break was not the proper length. The majority of that 58.7%  said that two weeks was not long enough. And majority of those students speculated that the proper length should be around three to four weeks instead. 


  One student’s reasoning as to why they believed that the winter break should be longer is, “It should be longer because some of us travel to go visit our families and that´s why some students miss school the first week when we come back.” We also had another student to say. “The holidays can be very stressful. People struggle to barely get any sleep during the holidays because of all the celebrating and traveling that comes with New Years and Christmas. “  

Now, of course, everyone has their own opinions as to what the proper amount should be, but this survey gives us a good picture as to what most students believe to be the right amount of time off. (This survey was conducted in order to see what students believe to be the right amount of time off during winter break and also to determine whether to see if schools should actually change the amount of time given for winter break.)