The Beautiful Untold Truth About What Really Happens Backstage at the Anaheim High School Dance Invitational
Dancers pray before performance.
November 5, 2019
October 25, 2019, at around 6:15 pm, the Anaheim High School auditorium opened their doors to family and friends of the dancers for their much-awaited long rehearsed performance. After a magnificent performance from every school that participated in the invitational, the dancers left full of flowers with a joyful satisfied smile on their faces.
But there’s always a start. To achieve the final result, Anaheim High School’s Dance Production had to prepare weeks and months ahead of time before the Dance Invitational. Rehearsing until four ́ o’clock with dedication and efficiency, the members filled their performance with energy and emotion, giving off great stage presence.
However, backstage, you saw a completely different story. Dancers were filled with excitement, nervousness, and joy. The dancers gathered around on stage as they prepared to open the show. They huddled around each other arm around arm while Anthony Miguel, which has been part of the dance program since his freshman year, led a beautiful prayer allowing the dancers of DP to perform with high energy and passion for starting the night.
As the dancer prepared in the wing to go on stage they took one deep breath and ran into the stage, they took their places, and performed their choreography, “As if I were in their dance room, with the lights dimmed, and with great emotion.” Yasmen Ayala, a member of dance production, commented when asked about how she prepares to go on stage.

Banners welcoming the many different schools who participated in the Invitational
The dancers then prepared for their last performance of the night in the second act. They once again gathered around as every one of the dancers shared an emotional story of who they were dancing for. Filled with emotion and with stories that arose from each of the dancers, they stood united to make the best of their moving choreography. Tears filled the eyes of the dancers while mascara ran through their rosy cheeks, leaving a stream of marked dry tears on their faces.
Etlin Cervantes made an inspiring point, ̈ Everyone’s been through so much and having to share that with you guys is what makes us stronger not only as a person but as a team the DP family that we are.¨
The dancers had an emotional connection that made them perform with tears streaming down their faces for their last performance of the night.
The night was over as the dancers got ready to leave the dressing room. A dressing room where they shared their pain and many laughs. They got an unexpected and sudden surprise. Seniors from last year’s Dance Production had come to support the members they had once danced with. Now they were within the audience that applauded the DP members with whom they shared the stage. With an embrace and a bright smile, they greeted Dance Production members and filled them with compliments.
The night was almost over when Oscar Gonzalez (the dance instructor) came down to the dressing rooms and wrapped up the night with a speech in which he expressed their advancement and having room to get “better and fiercer.” He would also cherish this moment and talk to his future classes about his first Dance Production class “like when I’m seventy.” he said with a bright smile on his face.
Memories were made for the members of Dance Production, an unforgettable night that went on backstage in the dressing rooms that would be remembered for years to come.
Daniella Orduna • Nov 8, 2019 at 2:26 pm
Reading this brought joy to my heart. Our DP is outstanding. One of the best things that we have in this school is our dance production.
Karina Cuevas • Nov 8, 2019 at 8:23 am
It’s amazing to read how performers prepare to go on stage because many don’t know. The idea of the article is interesting because it lets the readers see what really happens behind those big curtains that cover the reality.
Anna Trejo • Nov 8, 2019 at 8:13 am
I am glad that you were able to tell this story about the dance invitational and let us know what goes on backstage for our dancers. The preparation that they put into all their performances really showed that night.
Emily Jauregui • Nov 7, 2019 at 2:31 pm
I think this story was very well written and i’m glad that this story gave dance production the credit it deserves.I went to the event and I think all the other schools did great.Anaheim danced with a lot of emotion during the second act which made the dance even better.
Cidney Franco • Nov 7, 2019 at 2:01 pm
I never knew, until this moment, how dancers felt before their performances! It’s great to see someone write about how the dancers feel before they go out and give a wonderful performance.
Jennifer Navarro • Nov 7, 2019 at 2:00 pm
As I was reading this article, it gave me literal goosebumps. The amount of hard work that these students pour into their performances is just amazing.
Jacqueline Escamilla • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:16 pm
I loved how you told our story ! Thank you for being so accurate on what happened backstage and on stage. I will forever remember this night as well!
Ximena Mendez Herrera • Nov 7, 2019 at 1:11 pm
I like that you wrote about what happens before their show. Most of us who were in the audience don’t know what’s going on backstage and how the dancers feel, but now I know and I think they’re incredible. They did an amazing job at the festival as well as you did with this article and at the show.
Silvia • Nov 7, 2019 at 12:59 pm
Our dance production is amazing and to see our senior DP’s go breaks our hearts. But I hope us, the next generation never will fill there shoes but hope to come close. Because at the end dancing has no art to it without love and passion. And to add on there opening piece to the show was OUTSTANDING!