Anaheim Exclusivo Signs On for 2019-2020

Sahar Alfatlawi, Editor In Chief (English)

Anaheim Exclusivo has successfully signed back on after our first year of success. Following the legacy left by the class of 2019, our new staff is ready to transform and grow into just and informative journalists who cover what is relevant to us all. 

Considering that AE News is unable to dispatch reporters during summer break, we were unable to cover many important stories.   It is our job as AHS journalist to inform our audience of the effect this summer has had on our students, families, and staff. The summer of 2019 became notorious for multiple incidents; from mass shootings to climate change. This summer has been engraved in our minds. 

These stories have created a circulation of the question. However, the one we keep asking ourselves is,  “Does humanity still exists?” With this taken into account, we also know that in every sad and depressing story, there will always be heroes and helpers.  There will always be a source of light and at Anaheim Exclusivo will this will be what we plan to highlight this year. 

AE News will continue focusing on being just, relevant and of course informative, however, this school year, we have decided to focus on optimism and compassion, on finding positives even in negative and heartbreaking news.  This will be our mission this year. 

As the new Editor-In-Chief for your news in English, I will be looking forward to all the future stories and content our new and current journalists create. However, I want to take the time to thank and acknowledge all former journalists of the year 2018-2019 for helping create a news site that stands strong.  We hope to make you proud. Signing back on —AE News Staff