Thank You Mrs. Garrett
Ms. Garrett shares the reasons she practices mindfulness with her students
May 10, 2019
Mrs. Garrett,
Thank you for the time and commitment you dedicate to your students. Thank you for putting up with 6th period. Here’s to all the food deliveries, the weird comments and disturbing internet videos you show us. And most importantly, thank you for accepting all our late work, even if it was due two months ago.
Your ability to bring smiles to our faces and make us laugh, no matter how tired we may be, is much appreciated. You’ve taught us despite all the migraines we may have or may not have caused. We are grateful for the way you take time to speak to us when we have questions, listen to us when we’re stressed, and understand us when completing assignments is the last thing we want to do. (All the extra-credit you’ve given us is not to be forgotten either.)
During our senior year, a time when we feel so much stress and worry, your mindfulness sessions were incredibly helpful.
For all this, and much, much, much more, we thank you.
Vanessa Sanchez